Motherhood, man. It’s no joke! Today I’m sharing the essential baby products that have been game changers in helping me to save time and energy!
As a recent first-time mommy, I’m learning SO much! I thought there was no harder job in the world than teaching junior high, but I’m starting to reassess that idea now.
Being a mom is tough. I want to write this post for any other struggling first-time mommies out there.
If you’re walking around like a zombie from sleep deprivation, haven’t showered in a week, living on freezer meals and takeout, have a pile of laundry the size of Mount Olympus, can’t remember the last time you cleaned the bathroom… You are NOT ALONE!! I see you! I AM YOU!
And yet it all melts away when you get those sweet baby smiles and snuggles! What an amazing life experience to have your very own little person to care for and love so much.
My baby is 5 months old now and he is the best thing. Click here to read his birth story!
Top 8 Essential Baby Products
If you’re a teacher and a mom, I know you don’t have time to mess around! Fortunately, we live in the golden age of technology with all the latest and greatest baby gadgets to help make your life easier.
To help save you time and make your life simpler, I’ve compiled this list of game-changing baby gear that will maximize your efficiency. I know you will love these essential baby products as much as Baby Jet and I do!
#8: Glow In The Dark Binkies
If you have a baby that loves the pacifier, then these things are golden. No more fishing around in the middle of the night trying to find that binkie in the dark!
These pacifiers glow just enough for you to always be able to see them in the dark but not so bright that they are distracting for your little one.
#7: Onesies and Footie Jammies with Mittens
You will shave all kinds of time off your diaper changes by dressing your baby in easy stuff. I love these basic onesies and jammies that zip from the bottom, both of which have fold-over mittens!
All those cute outfits that people gave you at your baby shower are really just for show. 99% of the time, you want your baby in some of these bad boys.
No fussing with pants, jackets, tiny socks and gloves that just won’t stay put!
What to Avoid: Outfits without openings for diaper changes, jammies that snap from chin to toe, zippers that don’t go down the leg, separate pants/tops, newborn clothes without mittens.
#6: Swaddle Sleep Sacks
Save yourself the fuss of swaddling by getting some sleep sacks. I swear the nurses at the hospital possess magical swaddling powers. I’ve followed the diagrams and tried all the different ways with different blankets and my wiggly little guy always finds his way out of them!
These Halo Sleep Sacks are a game changers. They come in different thicknesses for winter vs summer and drop the swaddle flaps as they get bigger.
My little dude liked having his arms tucked in at night when he was a newborn, but now that he’s getting roly-poly, I just stick the flaps together below the arms and it still works great.
I sleep better knowing my baby is warm and safe. No worrying about him coming untucked or blankets covering is face. He is all good in his little Jet-pack.
#5: OxiClean
This stuff is MAGIC. It is only stain remover I’ve found that can truly get rid of those yellow baby poop stains. Do yourself a favor and go get a massive box of OxiClean. I get mine Costco for a little cheaper than this Amazon deal.
I tried soooo many different cleaning products before asking my veteran-mom sisters their secret. They all said the same thing.
Keep a bucket of water + OxiClean by your washer. Whenever baby has a leak, dunk it in the bucket and let it soak until you do your next load of laundry. Works like a charm.
One of the most essential of all essential baby products for sure.
#4: Diaper Genie
Have you ever walked into someone’s house and it just smells like kids? I have always feared becoming one of those people. The diaper genie is my savior.
It keeps me from having to run outside to the garbage can 10 times a day, or throw stinky diapers out on the porch for my dog to rummage through.
Get you a diaper genie and your house will stay fresh.
#3: Hatch Rest
Sound Machine & Night Light Extraordinaire
Help baby sleep better with the least-obnoxious sound machine ever invented. And it’s a nightlight too!
You can control it all from your phone, so you never have to stumble into the nursery in the dark at night.
It provides the perfect amount of light for those middle of the night feedings. You can also control the color and set programs so as your baby ages you can use it to signal wake-up time!
#2: Swing or Rocker
Jet loves to move. He demands to be rocked or walked around at all times. It was so exhausting, especially during those first few weeks of recovery.
We bought a traditional swing and then later were given a hand-me-down MamaRoo rocker from a friend so I will share the pros and cons of both for you.
Fisher Price Swing
- Quiet
- Wider swing seat
- Mechanical mobile with mirror
- Music and white noise options
- Multiple speed options
- Adjustable seat
- Foldable leg base for easy storage
- Takes up space
- Only 2 motion options (head to toe or side to side)
MamaRoo Rocker
- Lower profile for small spaces
- Lots of different motion options
- Several sound options
- Motion & sound can be controlled through phone app via Bluetooth (I find this a pretty neutral feature myself, but others might like it)
- Multiple speed options
- Adjustable seat
- Expensive
- Noisy
- Mobile is not mechanical
My baby strongly prefers the swing. I love the size of the MamaRoo for my small house, but it is a little noisier and clunkier than the swing, which I think makes it not worth the price tag.
Regardless of what product you choose, a mechanical swing or rocker is a game changer. The only way I can get time to work during the day is when baby is in his swing.
#1: Doona Car Seat Stroller
The Queen Mother Supreme of all baby products.
People stop you on the street like a celebrity when you have one of these because they are soooo amazing.
The Doona is a car seat with collapsible wheels that pop out at the push of a button.
Most car seats clip into a stroller system, requiring you to lug around a chunky stroller in your trunk. Since my dog usually fills up my trunk, the Doona saved me from having to buy a bigger car!
It might be 5 pounds heavier than a regular car seat, but you can roll it 99% of the time so it’s a total back saver despite the extra weight. I can’t believe it took so long for somebody to invent this. It is life changing!!!
The Doona is pricey at about $550, but it is SO WORTH THE COST. Save all that baby shower $ and spend the extra couple hundred bucks. I promise you won’t regret it!!
$$ SAVING TIP: I was able to get 15% off by using Amazon Baby Registry! I highly recommend registering with them. You will get 15% off any products that are left on your registry after the baby shower!
The Doona is absolutely the most life-changing essential baby product on my list!
Summary: Top 8 Essential Baby Products
So there you have it! 8 products that will make your life SO much easier and save you tons of time!
In summary, here is a list with all the links again:

More Awesome Baby Products
Here are links to a few other products that my baby and I really like:
- Fisher Price Play Mat
- Oogie Bear Nose & Hear Gadget
- Simba Baby Safety Scissors
- Fisher Price Bouncer Seat
- Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio
- Sassy Sacks for stinky diapers on the go
What am I missing?? Share in the comments!
What other game-changing baby products do you love? Give me ALL the mommy tips!
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