How to Gain Respect and Become a More Successful Teacher
When I tell people I teach junior high, the most common response is usually “Bless your heart! That’s a rough age.” And they’re not wrong. Being a successful teacher is tough, especially with 12 to 15 year-olds!
It takes a select breed of human to enjoy teaching pre-teens. Over the years I’ve watched many of my colleagues come and go, many of them leaving junior high to pursue their careers at the high school level.
So why do junior high teachers STAY junior high teachers?
For me, it’s the place where I felt the kids needed help the most. I stayed at junior high because I felt like I could really make a difference in their lives! Students at this age are still mold-able. They are making big choices about their future and the road they will travel, and I love being a small part of that.
That’s my “why.”
So if you’re teaching junior high and feeling a little discouraged, I hope that you can remember your why! And I hope the tips that I share today will help encourage you to stick with it! These kids needs you!
But let’s get real here. Teaching junior high is HARD.
So how do you stay sane when dealing with kids with so much teen angst?? And what can you do to stay motivated when you are under so much daily strain?
Implementing these 4 simple ideas will help you become a more successful teacher and enjoy the work that you are doing.

Secret #1: Successful Teachers Build Relationships
Building positive relationships with your students is critical for both behavioral and academic success.
Developing positive relationships with your students is the absolute best thing that you can do.
In order to correct student behavior, students have to respect you enough to listen and accept your direction. This begins with having a positive relationship with them.
How do you build that relationship?
You’ve probably already sat through dozens of hours worth of trainings on this topic, so I’ll keep it simple.
- Talk WITH students, not AT students.
- Be genuine.
- Find shared interests between you and your students.
- ASK questions rather than scolding. “Are you ok?” will get you a lot farther than “Don’t do that.”
As you learn about your students, you will understand their needs better. They will grow to respect you more as you interact positively with them.
Final note: Keep it authentic. It’s not a script. Just show them you care and you’re on their side, and they will be on your side too.
For more ideas look for my upcoming post on this topic!
Secret #2: Successful Teachers Are Consistent
One day one of my chemistry students was driving me crazy. Jokingly, I told him that if he didn’t stop talking I would pour my water bottle on his head!
I figured he would just chuckle a little and then knock it off, but I should have known better.
Of course, his response was “BET!”
So I dumped my water bottle on his head. And we all laughed. And he quit being annoying.
But seriously, one of the absolute best ways to get your kids to listen to you is to follow through with consistency!! I can’t emphasize this enough.
Threaten to keep the class after the bell if they don’t stop talking? DO IT.
Promise a class donuts for being awesome? DO IT.
Tell a kid you’ll update their grade after school? DO IT.
Hold yourself accountable to whatever comes out of your mouth. (But be careful not to get yourself into too much trouble!)
As you consistently follow through, they will learn to trust you, respect you, and follow your rules.
Secret #3: Be Yourself
Successful Teachers Let Students See YOU.
Sometimes teaching feels like putting on a show for your kids every day. I mean, there is a little bit of performing required in order to capture students’ attention! But remember that it’s ok to just be you!
You don’t have to give a flawless performance every day.
And in fact, our students appreciate it when we do mess up! It helps them feel safe to make their own mistakes while they are learning!
So let your students see your weaknesses. Admit when you are wrong. Apologize when warranted. Don’t be afraid to be human in front of your students!
Sometimes I felt like my school was trying to shove me into a “textbook teacher” mold. The PBIS team was always training us on the “correct” ratio of positives to correctives. At first it was 4:1, then they updated it to 11:1.
Seriously?? I need to give ELEVEN thumbs ups for every ONE “please use professional language”???
Totally impractical in my opinion.
That 11:1 ratio really doesn’t come naturally to me. As scientists, we are taught to analyze subjectively and with that comes an instinctive neutrality.
I felt like I was being fake saying “good job” all the time just to meet a requirement. It also felt like an interruption to my teaching, and it felt insincere. And the kids can tell when you’re not genuine. It just wasn’t an effective strategy for me.
I really struggled with giving verbal positive reinforcement, but I did want to make my classroom a more positive environment.
So I had to find other ways to encourage my students, and I started giving tickets instead. This allowed me to retain my verbal neutrality while still letting kids know that the good things they do are noticed.
For more about how these rewards tickets revolutionized my classroom, see my post “The Low-Maintenance Classroom Rewards System That Actually Works!”
So find what works for you! It is YOUR classroom so you get to be YOU! And it’s ok if you’re not perfect.

Secret #4: Treat them like Adults, but Remember They are Kids.
Successful Junior High Teachers Teach & Practice Social Skills with Their Students.
I teach science. But more importantly, I teach kids.
As junior high teachers, it is important to remember that, in addition to academics, our students are still developing social skills. It is just as important (or probably more important) to teach a kid how to be kind to their peers, as it is for me to teach them how to measure density.
We need to teach our kids to behave maturely, but remember that they don’t always know how yet.
Let me share a story to illustrate this idea.
One day my colleague purchased pizzas for her class as a reward for good behavior. She and I shared adjoining classrooms with a storage area between where she kept the pizza.
With the encouragement of a few peers, one of my students snuck into the storage room when I wasn’t looking, grabbed a pizza and quickly stashed it in his locker. I guess the tantalizing scent of fresh pizza wafting from the storage room was just too much for him!
Of course, he got caught.
I was very disappointed, but I knew that he already felt terrible for his poor choice. Instead of lecturing him for his mistake, I accepted his apology, asked him a few questions, and then asked him to return the pizza and apologize to the other class. Which he graciously did.
I know that was a lesson he will not soon forget.
I watched my student gain a little maturity that day. He made the wrong choice, and he was dealt the appropriate consequences.
You are undoubtedly handling situations like this every day. As you do, make sure that you are holding your students to high behavior expectations.
They know they should be kind, respectful, and responsible. But when they make the wrong choice, remember that they are kids.
You wouldn’t punish a toddler for wanting cookies for dinner. And neither should we condemn teens for showing off for their friends or flicking spit wads at the ceiling.
Instead, we need to teach them. We need to provide opportunities for our students to practice self regulation. And we need to react with compassion when they make mistakes.
How to be a Successful Teacher
In Summary…
- Build Relationships
- Be Consistent
- Be Yourself
- Teach Social Skills & Be Compassionate
Focusing on these 4 practices has helped me to be a happier, more successful teacher. I know it can help you too!
And above all, THANK YOU for sticking with it. The work you are doing iS making a difference. Whether you’re teaching junior high or not, thank you for being a teacher in any capacity of your life. YOU ARE AN AMAZING HUMAN!
Share your Secrets to Success!

I would love to hear from you!! What are your thoughts on my 4 secrets to success? What are some of YOUR secrets to being a successful teacher? Leave us your comments below!

I enjoyed your ideas about building positive relationships. I will try the ticket exercise.
Thank you for the feedback! I hope that the tickets will help! It’s not a cure all, but it definitely made a difference for me and my students. I would love to hear how it goes!
Pingback: How to Build a Positive Mindset in the Classroom - Balanced Teacher Life
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.
Thank you for the feedback and encouragement! I hope I can provide a few useful & practical ideas for your classroom.
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